For Consumers

Upload a new document

How do I upload a document?

Click the link on the applicable case number, then click “Upload New Document.”

CRS upload new document screen

Upload document screens

Helpful tips:

  • Documents can't be larger than 100 megabytes (MB).
  • Whenever possible, upload your company's complete response, including attachments, as one document.
  • Make sure the uploaded document(s) appears in the "Successfully Uploaded Documents" area before clicking “Finished.”
  • Don't upload pictures unless it's absolutely necessary. When in doubt, contact the OIC analyst assigned to the case for further instructions.

Will I receive an email verifying that the OIC successfully received my uploaded document?

No, but you'll know the OIC received your uploaded document(s) when it appears in the “Document Name” column.

Uploaded document appears screen

I’ve uploaded a document by mistake. Can I delete it?

No. If you need a document deleted, send us a message with the:

  • Specific case number
  • Name of the document you want deleted
  • Reason you want it deleted

Document Type definitions

Document type definitions