For Consumers

Cost-sharing for prescription drugs (R 2022-05)

This proposed rule makes amendments for SSB 5610 chapter 228, Laws of 2022 which permits third party cost-sharing for prescription drugs within specific parameters. The rule will also establish consistency in applying payments. Amendments to rules are made for consistency in definitions with a third-party payment, clarity in pharmacy exceptions and the appeals process, and the application of cost-sharing paid by a third party for the purposes of high-deductible plans. This rulemaking will be addressed in accordance with federal guidance.

Adopted rule

Proposed rulemaking filed Aug. 23, 2022

Public hearing held Sept. 28, 2022

Interested parties meeting held July 12, 2022

Prepublication draft released June 30, 2022

Notice to start rulemaking filed June 9, 2022
